Vehicle Electrical Work in Las Vegas, NV
From the battery to the alternator and every electrical part of your vehicle, Qwest Automotive Service is your destination for vehicle electrical work in Las Vegas, NV. Our team has the equipment and know-how to test and qualify your vehicle’s electrical troubles and make sure it gets the repairs it needs to function correctly. We’re familiar with complete electrical diagnostics and make the right repairs, every time.
Common Signs of Electrical Trouble
Sign of an automotive electrical issue will typically affect any component or feature of your vehicle using power. Depending on the part that’s failing or the nature of the issue, the symptoms can manifest in several different ways:
- Dim or flickering headlights
- Cabin electronics don’t work
- Power features are delayed or nonfunctional
- Frequent battery jumping required
- Fuses blow easily and often
- Starter testing and repair
- Alternator testing and repair
Whether it’s a short somewhere in the wiring or a dying battery, we’re the authority on automotive electrical and can get the lights (and other electronics) back on reliably for your vehicle. We can quickly acquire alternators, batteries, starters and more, so you don’t have to wait for an electrical solution.
Onboard Diagnostic Assessments
Many times, electrical issues can be difficult to diagnose. Before we do any vehicle electrical work, we rely on diagnostics to inform our approach. We can test everything from the starter, battery and alternator, to shorts and faulty fuses. We make sure the solution we’re providing to Las Vegas, NV vehicle owners is the right one and that their electrical issues don’t keep coming back.

Electrical Parts and Components
Don’t let electrical troubles give you grief! Schedule a service appointment with Qwest Automotive Service today at 702-641-0100 to get the diagnostics and electrical repairs your car needs to function flawlessly. We’ll keep your headlights bright and your cabin electronics working as they should. Contact us today for automotive electrical work, vehicle alignments, transmission installations, and more.