Checking your vehicle regularly is one of the best habits you can develop as a motorist. You should never assume that your car is always in good condition. Take the time to inspect your car instead of just making an assumption so you can be certain of its condition.
Among the elements of your vehicle that you need to check regularly are the brakes. The potential consequences of your brakes malfunctioning at the wrong time are huge. You need to protect yourself against that possibility.
How do I know when it’s time to repair my cars brakes? I simply stay on the lookout for the signs detailed below.
ABS or Brake Light Is On
Sometimes, your vehicle will handle the checking for you. The ABS or brake light for your vehicle may turn on if something is up with your brakes.
Don’t ignore that and assume that the light is broken. In all likelihood, there really is an issue currently plaguing your brakes.
Hopefully, the issue is something minor. Just make sure you tend to it as soon as you can.
Unusual Noises When Applying the Brakes
Unusual noises are among the clearest indicators that there may be something wrong with your car’s brakes. Upon hitting the brakes, you may hear squealing, howling or grinding noises from your vehicle. Those noises are telling you that your brakes need to be repaired.
To be more specific, those noises suggest that your brake pads are significantly worn down. It’s possible that the metal components of your brakes are now grinding against one another directly.
Those disruptive noises will not go away unless you do something about your brake pads.
Brake Pedal Is Softer Than Usual
You can also ascertain the status of your brake pedal based on how it feels when you step on it. Typically, the brake pedal should provide a crisp response when you hit it.
However, that won’t be the case if something is wrong with your brakes. Instead of the brakes working immediately, you may have to press down on them further before they engage.
A soft brake pedal is an indicator that you either have worn down brake pads or too much air in that part of your car.
Vibrating While Braking
After hitting the brakes, you may start to feel your car vibrate. That’s probably not just your mind playing tricks on you.
Vibrations are also indicators that your car’s brakes need to be repaired. If your car vibrates after you hit the brakes, that likely means its rotors are damaged.
Swerving After Braking
Cars with brake issues may also swerve in one direction after braking. In this case, the issue could be related to the brake pads, the brake fluid or even a damaged caliper.
Address this issue quickly because you cannot afford to have a car that swerves after stopping.
When Should I Get My Brakes Replaced?
Numerous factors have to be considered when deciding when to replace your brakes. These include your style of driving, your normal driving routes and the type of traffic you often deal with.
Still, as a general rule, you should consider replacing your brakes when you hit 30,000 miles with them. At 60,000 miles, replacing them often becomes a necessity.
Your car’s brakes always need to be in good condition. If you’ve noticed any of the signs mentioned above, then you should probably check your brakes carefully before you go for your next drive.